Email Newsletter

Email Newsletter Design


This is a email newsletter created in Publication 1 for Nasa, updating subscribers on recent events in space.
This is a email newsletter created in Publication 1 for Nasa, updating subscribers on recent events in space.

The Brief…

For this assignment, I was asked to create an email newsletter design based on a list of set companies. I chose to complete mine using Nasa’s branding and content because of the gorgeous images on their website. I used a minimalist design approach for the distribution of information since the Nasa website often has an immense list of articles and images making it quite overwhelming. Giving the viewer short blurbs to read and relying mostly on visuals, allows people to get the necessary information quickly. It also creates a sense of curiosity, encouraging others to click the link to view articles and read more on the official site. Furthermore, the large amount of negative space and black background are often associated with space itself which acts as a nod to what Nasa does.