
This image is the cover page of the Sezane catalog completed in Publication design class. It features a large image of a short-haired woman wearing a shirt from the new Sezane collection. Below the image is the brand name and tagline, centered across the bottom half of the page.
This image is one of the spreads from the Sezane catalog, completed in Publication design class. It includes images of pieces from the collection along with written descriptions of the pieces that include their name and price. The drawn visuals are done in a taupe colour and the whole spread has a clean and minimalistic look.
A continuation of spread one, this image is the second spread from the Sezane catalog, completed in Publication design class. It includes images of pieces from the new collection along with written descriptions of the pieces that include their name and price. The drawn visuals are done in a taupe colour and the whole spread has a clean and minimalistic look.
A continuation of spread two, this image is one of the spreads from the Sezane catalog, completed in Publication design class. It includes images of pieces from the collection along with written descriptions of the pieces that include their name and price. There are no drawn visuals on the spread but it maintains the same clean and minimalistic look as the others. This spread's color palette includes jewel tones.