Complete Stationary Set

Stationary Set

Business cards created for an imagined travel agency called illo adventures. These are the forest themed green ones with an illustrated landscape of the mountainous forest on the back.
Business cards created for an imagined travel agency called illo adventures. These are the sea themed blue ones with an illustrated landscape of the beach on the back.
Business cards created for an imagined travel agency called illo adventures. These are the desert themed orange ones with an illustrated landscape of the desert on the back.
stationary set for imagined travel agency illo adventures. All Colours
This is the inside portion of an envelope. It is part of the stationary kit for the imagined brand Illo Adventures. This illustration is an abstract depiction of the jungle and its flora, drawn in very simple shapes and forms.
This is the inside portion of an envelope. It is part of the stationary kit for the imagined brand Illo Adventures. This illustration is an abstract depiction of the sea and marine life, drawn in very simple shapes and forms.
This is the inside portion of an envelope. It is part of the stationary kit for the imagined brand Illo Adventures. This illustration is an abstract depiction of the desert and its limited biodiversity, drawn in very simple shapes and forms.
stationary set for imagined travel agency illo adventures. Green theme.
Professional stationary letterheads for the imagined travel agency Illo Adventures. This version features green organic shapes and elements to support the text and make it unique to the brand.
Professional stationary letterheads for the imagined travel agency Illo Adventures. This version features blue and yellow organic shapes and elements to support the text and make it unique to the brand.
Professional stationary letterheads for the imagined travel agency Illo Adventures. This version features orange and yellow organic shapes and elements to support the text and make it unique to the brand.
Stationary set for imagined travel agency illo adventures. Green theme.